This recording was created in close cooperation between morning glory concerts e.V. and Dynamite Konzerte. In 2021, in the projects „Marhala Gadida“ and „Rethinking Diversity in Saxony“, they dealt intensively with the visibility of underrepresented people on the stages of Saxony.
In addition to workshops, readings, exhibitions and concerts, they wanted to give the people of Saxony something that has accompanied them the whole time: incredibly diverse and great music by 12 artists/bands from or related to Saxony. In addition, a poem and artwork was created by people with BIPoC background. This sampler is intended to arouse curiosity about art and culture outside of the bubble. Even if the project was completed in 2021 and the sampler was the end point, things should move forward, Saxony should be reinvented, the public image should be changed and more positively occupied. Sometimes it only takes a handful of people to change a place. This is the soundtrack to it.
Many thanks to all supporters who made this project possible.
- EVÎN – Care About Me
- Cocotá – Down Down Down
- Christian Vu – Estranged
- Jalikebba Kuyateh’s Afrikora – Sutukung
- Öznur Turan Şeker – Für George Floyd
- Tabitha Xavier – Dieses Lied
- Ezé – Ezé trifft Brecht und Wader
- M. Mert Güney – Troubled Heart
- Sintscha – femenergy
- Rakans – Jezebel’s Dance
- Primo Fanio – AUAAOE
- Yetundey – No Vex
(c) (p) 2021 Dynamite Platten
Es sind diverse Künstler*innen , Verlage und sonstige Rechteinhaber*innen an diesem Kompilation-Album beteiligt.
Mastered by: TheEmU, Audio Mastering Dresden
Artwork & Layout: Luana Brückner
Kat.-Nr. LP: DYN-PLA-013-LP
Kat.-Nr. CD: DYN-PLA-013-CD